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Things You Must Know About Inter-Rater Reliability in Qualitative

In qualitative research, it is difficult to agree with even yourself. As this research has complex datasets and wicked issues, it is almost impossible for the researcher to code the data into the same themes or codes in the same way. It means there is no consistency in the coding of the qualitative data. So, to maintain this consistency, the technique of inter-rater reliability is introduced. This technique includes different researchers giving the interpretations of the same qualitative data so that there could be better accuracy. 

As inter-rater reliability is relatively new in qualitative research, many researchers do not know the important things about this technique. Therefore, in today’s article, I am going to discuss those important things. However, before that, let’s define this reliability concept. 

What is inter-rater reliability in actuality? 

Inter-rater reliability is the extent to which two different researchers agree to code the same qualitative data. Most of the time, researchers have different opinions about the interpretations of the data. It is highly possible that they reach different conclusions at the end of the qualitative data analysis. This is where the inter-rater technique comes into play. This technique ensures that when you have multiple researchers coding a set of data, they come to the same conclusion. This is what it means. 

Why is inter-rater reliability important? 

This is an important way to make your coding of the qualitative data reliable. As more than two researchers work on the same dataset and reach the same conclusion, the validity and reliability of the data increase automatically. This technique also enables the researchers to confidently divide and conquer. It means that the researchers divide the qualitative data among them and then code it to reach the same conclusion. A higher level of this reliability also helps you convince the critics of your data. All these things make it important in qualitative research. 

How to calculate the inter-rater reliability? 

The above discussion has only disclosed the definition and the importance of this reliability in research. It does not give any information about how to calculate or measure this reliability. Hence, a brief description of the steps involved in this is as follows: 

  • Select the data and raters 

The word rater here means the researcher. So, the first step is about selecting the data and the raters who are going to code the data. It is important because if you do not have the data and the raters, how can you ensure inter-rater reliability? So, choose your content and share it with the raters. Let the raters go through the content first and check for any errors and omissions in the qualitative data. This is the first step. 

  • Choose the method to calculate 

Once you have selected the data to code and the raters who will code, the next step asks you to choose the method of calculation. There are many different calculation methods used in qualitative research for the purpose of inter-rater reliability. The most popular methods used in this case are Cohen’s Kappa (K) and Krippendorff’s alpha. Choose any of the above two methods that suit your data and code the data. 

  • Practice with sample data 

Before running the actual calculation, you must practice with sample data. Ask all of your raters to code the same transcript using the selected method and see how close their conclusions are. If the conclusions at the end are enough, well and good. If it is not sufficient, review and reiterate the process and learn from the mistakes. Do exercise again and again on the sample data until the required level of reliability is achieved. 

  • Code the actual data

Now, the raters you have chosen are trained enough on the sample data that they can work on the actual data. So, as the last step, let your raters code the actual data. When the raters are coding the data, do check-ins and see whether or not they are doing it right. If you see any flaw in the process, ask them to make adjustments. To code the data, you can also use online software. The online software Delve is very helpful in calculating the inter-rater reliability. However, if, due to any reasons or lack of skills, your raters are unable to use the software or code the data, you can turn to buy dissertation online services. Such services have excellent data raters who can explain the process in an easy way. 


Conclusively, coding the qualitative data and getting reliable results is a very hectic process. The reason is that each time you code the data, there might be a different interpretation from your side. To cater to this problem, inter-rater reliability is a good option. Read all the steps involved in this technique above and choose the method carefully. 

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